What’s Florida doing now?

Florida legislature passes bill removing ‘climate change’ from state laws, awaits DeSantis signing (justthenews.com).

Well, Florida is led by one party. The GOP has gained complete control of its legislature and the governor’s office. Elections are now decided by fewer and fewer citizens. A few party faithful gather in the state primary and choose the next person that will be formally elected to office in the November general election.

Politicians in Florida know they must win the primary election. They know the general November election is a simple formality. Winning the primary really means they get sworn into office in January.

Red states primary voters know the power they hold. By simply showing up early in the process they choose who will govern the state while most other people are still in political slumberland. But it’s the special interest groups and billionaires that form and set up those primary voters. Those groups toss a continual diet of red meat issues leading the primary voter to focus less on helping the common good. Rather, they are led to believe in hoaxes and deep state fake news.

Not content with banning safe abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy, Florida is now leading the charge against, climate change. There is lots of sand in Florida to bury your head.

Commentary by Joe Plouff.