It is now the time to collect nomination signatures

Blue yard sign in a green lawn with white text: Elect Joe Plouff, State Representative,

Soon you will be asked to sign papers nominating me to be your representative to the WI state assembly. Why should you do so? 

My public record of protecting our shared Democratic values is reason one. The second is my life experience and what it means. 

My first four terms in the assembly were as a minority party member. Our job was to protect progressive law on the books and advance good public policy when we could. I stood to protect a woman’s right to choose what she can do with her own body. I voted against horrendous public policies and constitutional amendments prohibiting marriage between same sex couples. We may not have developed some essential cancer fighting tools had stem cell research been banned as proposed by the GOP. I supported policies moving us forward and voted against measures sending us back to 1848. My public record states it loud and clear. 

Secondly, should you send me back to the assembly for a fifth term I will add my experience to that legislative body. Eight years, or four terms of legislative experience at a time of huge and historical change in our state legislature is valuable to you. In what ways? 

Because Wisconsin now has fair district maps it is estimated that assembly democrats will add up to sixteen additional seats in the assembly. That will be a lot of new and inexperienced legislators under the dome. Mentorship and guidance are essential in providing legislative stability and sustainability. Moving progressive policy forward will not be easy as MAGA cultists will do what they are known to do. MAGA will drag down and stall out all progressive measures brought forward. 

When looking at our current assembly democratic caucus one quickly finds a caucus that has done wonderful work protecting our values. But it is seriously understaffed. There is not one democratic state representative or senator north of highway 29. Of the 35 assembly democrats there are four that can be considered representing rural areas. 

The value I offer you is my life experience within the legislature. If reelected to a fifth term, I will enter the dome next January as the tenth most senior member of the democratic assembly caucus.  

But that will not happen unless you and I work together to see that it happens. From this day forward my campaign must be well funded and a grassroots volunteer network must grow. You are being asked to send both money and a message to me offering your volunteer efforts.  

Let us get to work.  

Joe Plouff
