The Road to Majority: Joe’s Democratic Campaign in the 92nd Assembly District

The main organizing of Team Plouff ended last week. Led by Campaign Facilitator, Dan Paulson, Team Plouff is now fully staffed. Our primary goal is to win the Democratic primary.

Joe has prepared his team well over the last months of organizing. Team Plouff is very aware of the political position we Democrats face after the primary. Joe said, “The objective of all political parties is to win and secure enough of their members in lawmaking bodies. Once that is accomplished, they can create the rules under which they govern. The rules they draft always allow the ruling party to win. Always.

Once majority status is gained it must be maintained through each new election cycle. Otherwise, your party no longer rules, and it moves to the minority. Joe knows full well how this works through experience. The common practice for political parties owning majority status is to protect their incumbent office holders. 

Joe deeply understands that practice. Incumbents are offered the best staff and most money to hang on to their legislative seat. All the other races follow in priority. The 92nd Assembly District is one of the states highest targeted seats. The person winning this seat will help determine which party controls the state assembly. 

Currently Joe and Team Plouff are not running against Clint Moses. This campaign is focusing first on his primary election on August 13th. Democrats in the 92nd will determine soon which candidate has the best chance to take out a well-funded and entrenched GOP incumbent.

Democrats have been reduced to minority status in the assembly for 28 of the last 30 years. In August they must decide who has the best chance to claw back the 92nd from the GOP. There are two very good choices. But there is only one with the experience to turn this district blue in November.

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