The Legislative Race Begins

Monday, June 3rd marked the official start of legislative races in the state of Wisconsin.  Team Plouff has been planning Joe’s reelection to the State Assembly for the past several months.  We are eager and ready to reintroduce Joe to old constituents and present him to new constituents in the 92nd Assembly District. 

With “Experience, Integrity, and Independence” Joe is charged up to lead the fight for residents of Western Wisconsin as we defend our Progressive traditions.  He is poised to take on Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and his minions in Madison.   

Until now, local republican Clint Moses has been very comfortable standing by and saying nothing as Speaker Vos turns the Wisconsin Assembly into a cheesy version of the US House of Representatives. 

Monday is the day Team Plouff launches an all-out effort to return Joe to the legislature.   With one eye on Vos and Moses, Joe must first face the challenge of a primary opponent.  This is a good thing for voters because it gives them a choice, and good for candidates because it reveals their level of readiness for the big show. 

Joe respects the man who opposes him in the primary and knows that a worthy opponent brings out the best in both candidates.  He also knows how to fight like hell to defeat him on August 13th.    

With your support, Joe will move on to the general election even stronger to take on the, “Let it all burn down” GOP controlled legislature.  Thirty years of republican control, gained through gerrymandering, has wrought too much havoc already and must end now.   Republicans playing to their base, playing at leadership, playing games only they can win need to be replaced by Democrats who work for the people.  It is time to return an experienced and knowledgeable Joe Plouff to the legislature. 

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