Republicans’ School Choice Experiment Has Failed Wisconsin Children

By Team Plouff Staff

Report: Despite options, Milwaukee children struggle in both public and private schools (

We need someone in the 92nd Assembly seat with authentic experience to know the problems and savvy to find solutions.

The WPR story on Milwaukee Public School’s problems in educating minority children is a lesson to be learned. School choice has failed! After 30 years, it has done little to improve the learning of minority children. What’s needed are highly trained teachers who are given the autonomy and resources to do their magic. We now have a teacher nominated to be Vice President, so maybe we will have some authentic educational initiatives out of Washington, not the crap that has done nothing but create disruption since the publication of that bogus “A Nation at Risk.” Wisconsin Republicans have disrupted our children’s learning for too long.

Sending Joe Plouff to the WI assembly, a teacher with 17 years of experience, will end the failure of the WI Republicans’ education policies of defunding public schools, school choice, vouchers, telling teachers how to teach, supporting book-banning, etc. We cannot let another generation of children suffer from legislators who have no idea what it is really like to teach not only minority children but any child. The Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) knows that Joe Plouff will make a difference in educating children in Wisconsin.

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