Political Party Platforms

Photo is a yellow background with graphic buildings of the Milwaukee skyline. Text reads June 8-9 | Milwaukee, WI. "Fighting For Our Freedoms." WISDEMS 2024 Convention.

This weekend, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin met to adopt its party platform. Each political party develops a platform of issues it would like the government to adopt and implement. Ever wonder what the process might be? Here is the short course.

Political platforms are formed through a process that is democratically controlled. This process involves citizen input, negotiation, and adoption by a majority vote of the members. It all begins at the local county Democratic Party. In this example, each of the three county parties making up the WI 92nd State Assembly gathered its membership to draft resolutions on policy issues and change and pass the issues they were most concerned about. Once passed by majority vote, each county submits its resolutions to the next level of party structure, the 3rd Congressional District (CD) of WI.

The same democratically designed process is used to adopt or reject issue-based resolutions sent from the county level. Below are the resolutions the counties of Chippewa, Dunn, and Eau Claire sent to their respective congressional districts.

Each CD follows the same process as it develops its proposed resolutions. They then send their work to the Wisconsin State Democratic Party. The state party spends time at its convention debating, changing, and passing or failing issue resolutions. At the end of the state convention, the state votes on its slate of resolutions to be forwarded to the National Democratic Party.

One of the national party’s jobs is to examine the resolutions sent to it from the state parties. Again, a democratically controlled process results in adopting the platform on which candidates will decide to run.

Chippewa, Dunn and Eau Claire County Platform Resolutions 2024

24-AGE-02: Detrimental Effects of Systemic Pesticides (94 Words) – Eau Claire County

WHEREAS, beneficial insects are disappearing at an alarming rate;

WHEREAS, all life depends on pollinating insects;

WHEREAS, the replacement of true native vegetation by turf and ornamentals has had a deleterious impact on food sources for pollinators; and

WHEREAS, the indiscriminate use of systemic pesticides has a profound detrimental effect on the neurological and immunologic function of ALL insects and may result in their death or inability to function;

THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Democratic Party will support legislation that promotes planting native vegetation and educating consumers about the effects of Systemic pesticides on ecosystems.

24-AGE-03: Resolution about Land Ownership and Family Farms (94 words) – Dunn County

WHEREAS, farms are the economic backbone of rural Wisconsin,

WHEREAS, economic forces and government policies over the past 50 years have caused farms to become less able to support non-CAFO farming families without off-farm income,

WHEREAS, some out-of-state interests, corporations, and wealthy individuals are actively engaged in farmland speculation, driving up land prices and restricting access to Wisconsin farmers,

THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that the DPW supports policies at the State and Federal level which restrict out-of-state farmland ownership, support Wisconsin farm viability, and encourage new and diverse farmers through tax credits, grants, and other support.

24-AGE-04: Resolution for Upgrading Electric Grid Infrastructure and Prioritizing Expansion of Diverse, Clean Energy Production (99 words) – Dunn County

WHEREAS, there is a shortage of renewable and clean energy, due to a lack of investment in infrastructure for these technologies,

WHEREAS, this country has successfully spent hundreds of billions of dollars over one hundred plus years on infrastructure for fossil fuels equating to large supplies and cheaper costs,

WHEREAS, to meet future demands for electrification, the electric grid will need significant updates,

THEREFORE, RESOLVED the DPW supports the funding of electric grid infrastructure updates to support renewable energy including the exploration and development of safe hydrogen, thermal, nuclear, biomass, wind and solar to lower costs and increase supply.

24-JHD:03: Resolution about Immigration in Wisconsin (100 words) – Dunn County

WHEREAS, Wisconsin has a history of being enriched by the contributions of immigrants, who are vital members of Wisconsin’s labor force in a range of industries,

WHEREAS, immigrants in Wisconsin have contributed billions of dollars in taxes,

WHEREAS, crises around the world have created a need for safe haven for people who can no longer safely reside in their native areas, causing an influx of immigrants into the United States and Wisconsin,

THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that the DPW supports common sense immigration reform, assistance to communities where migrants are welcomed, easy-to-access guest worker programs, and support for individual and family migrants.

24-JHD-04: Medicaid Expansion (93 Words) – Eau Claire County

WHEREAS, rural hospitals, healthcare services and medical clinics are failing in Wisconsin at the highest rate in the nation;

WHEREAS, closings leave thousands of people without needed services resulting in more crisis situations and deaths;

WHEREAS, medical facilities need adequate reimbursement for treatment services and unfunded patient care to maintain operations;

WHEREAS, parity needed with those states accepting federal Medicaid expansion;

WHEREAS, medical staff re-employment and retraining becomes critical to established care levels; and

WHEREAS, community and mental health care services should be supported;

THEREFORE RESOLVED, The adaptation of Medicaid expansion should occur.

24-JHD-06: Resolution for Reproductive Justice in Wisconsin (98 words) – Dunn County

WHEREAS, The U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade, shifting the determination for abortion access to state legislatures,

WHEREAS, this has resulted in abortion access to be uncertain in Wisconsin, with a 2023 Dane County Circuit Court ruling allowing abortion access under a 1985 state law but likely to be challenged,

WHEREAS, the current Republican majority in the Wisconsin legislature refuses to take action on ensuring safe, legal abortions despite a majority of Wisconsinites being in favor,

THEREFORE, RESOLVED, the DPW supports Wisconsin legislation that would protect abortion access, mirroring that of other states such as Minnesota.


24-ELE-04: Resolution to Lower Prescription Drug Prices (100 words) – Dunn County

WHEREAS, the U.S. continues to have significantly higher prescription drug prices due to limited competition, research and development costs, price hikes, and lack of regulation,

WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to alleviate the burden of exorbitant prescription drug prices on individuals and healthcare systems, particularly the most vulnerable,

WHEREAS, state and federal governments have proven the effectiveness of lowering prescription drug prices by facilitating generic drug competition, negotiating drug prices, and promoting transparency in pharmaceutical pricing,

THEREFORE, RESOLVED, the DPW supports legislation that encourages public research into prescription drugs, increases competition, and lowers prices through government negotiated prices.

24-ELE-05: Resolution for Teacher and Educator Shortages and Funding for School Supplies (99 words) – Dunn County

WHEREAS, the U.S Department of Education is reporting record public school educator shortages,

WHEREAS, this shortage has several factors including teachers pay, benefits and an inadequate budget for school supplies,

WHEREAS, teachers are dependent on parents to donate school supplies to get through the school year often spending their own money on these supplies,

THEREFORE, RESOLVED, the DPW supports funding for teachers and educators including but not limited to an increase in pay, increased benefits, higher budget for school supplies, free mental health counseling, grants and scholarships for teaching degrees, certificates, graduate programs and other educational related programs.

24-ELE-06: Resolution for Early Childhood Development Screening and Individualized Education Programs in Rural Wisconsin (87 words) – Dunn County

WHEREAS, rural communities have a shortage of early childhood developmental screenings,

WHEREAS, these screenings can catch delays in several areas including speech therapy, occupational therapy, gross motor skills, social and emotional behavior and others at an early age,

WHEREAS, early detection of these delays can give the child resources necessary to catch up and to reduce or eliminate an effect on the childhood and adult development,

THEREFORE, RESOLVED the DPW supports early childhood development screens in rural areas with resources to complete the Individualized Education Program (IEP).

24-ELE-07: Resolution to Expand Affordable Childcare and Empower Families in the Workforce (100 words) – Dunn County

WHEREAS, prioritizing the well-being and development of children at an early age is the foundation of a strong workforce, promoting equity and opportunity.

WHEREAS, affordable, accessible, and quality child care options are limited for many Wisconsin parents and caregivers, particularly in rural areas.

WHEREAS, the cost and availability of care often requires parents or caregivers to stay at home, removing that individual from the workforce.

THEREFORE, RESOLVED, the DPW supports state and federal investment in quality child care by providing guaranteed child tax credits, incentivizing businesses for on-site childcare, and fostering partnerships with community organizations to expand affordable care options.


24-PG-01: Resolution Regarding Neglected Rural Districts (93 words)–Eau Claire

WHEREAS, sophisticated analysis of voting patterns can pinpoint crucial swing wards and districts, like the 3rd Congressional District in Wisconsin; and

WHEREAS, voter resentment for being neglected, particularly in rural Wisconsin has been documented in the The Politics of Resentment;

THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Democratic Party of Wisconsin ensure that the Democratic National Committee and other appropriate groups arrange in-person visits, separately, by high level elected (officials)and candidates to neglected swing regions sufficiently before the August 2024 primary and November 2024 general election, in current Congressional Districts or in newly remapped Congressional Districts.

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