Plouff Pivots: From Organizing & Planning to Campaign Mode

Today I begin a pivot from organizing and planning to full campaign mode. In my run to become the next Democratic State Representative of the 92nd Assembly District this is the time. Campaigns go through phases. Each phase has a particular purpose and time frame. Today is June 19th. The end date for my current campaign, a democratic party primary ends on the night of August 13th.

The main organizing of Team Plouff ended last week. Led by Campaign Facilitator, Dan Paulson, Team Plouff is staffed by several people in key positions. People are working on message development, website design and content, message distribution, visibility and candidate support. There are people that deal with data collection and sorting. Some people have performed data entry tasks weeks ago that will only now be used as part of the overall campaign plan. A finance person keeps the books assuring that we operate according to Wisconsin law and remain on budget.

The goal in starting this campaign effort is to win the Democratic primary and then general election. But also, within my campaign plan is to develop progressive capacity within west central Wisconsin. Team Plouff will be expanding the ground team over the next couple of weeks. Contact Dan Paulson at [email protected]. For opportunities to join of the effort and gain insight into grassroot campaign strategies, and practices please contact Dan.

Last week the ballot was set and locked. Team Plouff now pivots to the next phase. I will make the case that I am the best candidate to take on an entrenched incumbent in the November general election. Democrats voting in the 92nd Assembly District primary have a hard decision to make. It is their job to decide who they believe can win the 92nd back from the GOP. 

By visiting my Facebook and navigating through this website, you will gain a good grasp on my level of experience and why I decided to again return to public life.

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