Fair Maps for Fair Votes: I pledge to support nonpartisan redistricting reform

Very rarely do I offer a special interest group a pledge to support a specific public policy stance. My experience tells me that the the process and content when crafting public policy is easily changed and can be morphed into something totally different from the original intent. However, I make an exception with a pledge coming out of Wisconsin Common Cause in support of nonpartisan independent redistricting reform.

Please remember, one of the main reasons for ending my retirement and entering political life again was all about the misuse of power as Republicans gerrymandered our state for their own use. I remain appalled.

Here is the pledge in full, which I proudly stand behind:

I support passing legislation during the 2025 legislative session and enacting into law the requirement that Wisconsin adopt an independent nonpartisan redistricting process to ensure that no political party can create state legislative or congressional voting districts to favor their own political party nor be able to gerrymander Wisconsin’s voting maps in the future.

See the full list of those who have signed the pledge

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